FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LIGHTHOUSE DESIGN ANNOUNCES WEBVISION - FIRST OF SEVERAL BACKPAGE COMPONENTS --Live demo now available on Lighthouse Design's web site-- MARCH 29th, 1996 - SAN MATEO, CA - Lighthouse Design, Ltd. today announced WebVision, a multi-dimensional charting server compatible with NeXT Software's WebObjects environment and the first of several BackPage components the company plans to release. BackPage, an object-oriented framework and set of components for building dynamic, web-based applications, was announced earlier this year. WebVision will begin shipping in April. A live demo is available now on Lighthouse Design's web site ( WebVision, a server component that runs on an organization's web server, enables corporate developers to leverage a pre-written component for dynamically generating data driven charts and graphs for display in web pages or custom applications. Designed to augment NeXT's WebObjects and EOF technology, developers can add WebVision's charting functionality without writing additional code, expediting the delivery of custom applications, while increasing their quality and consistency. A fully object-oriented API allows WebVision to be seamlessly integrated into custom applications, and to supplement web pages with content rich analytics and data-driven graphics. Support is provided for representation of multi-dimensional data in two dimensional and three dimensional graphical models. Chart types include 2-D and 3-D bars, areas, lines, columns, and pie charts. WebVision provides support for hit detection, allowing corporate developers to easily add custom controls and behavior to auto-generated chart graphics. For example, an end-user seeking more information on a particular chart series, such as a line or pie wedge, can simply click it to trigger additional system functionality. Pricing for WebVision will be announced in conjunction with its shipment in April. WebVision will be followed by additional BackPage components and developer tools, to be announced this spring and summer. Lighthouse began broadening its developer product line last year with the announcement of ObjectPlan, an object-oriented analysis and design (OOA&D) tool for the creation of object applications. Lighthouse Design is the leading supplier of object products and services for corporate developers deploying custom solutions to the World Wide Web, Microsoft Windows NT and SunSoft's Solaris. With a growing family of applications and object frameworks, Lighthouse is at the forefront of broadening the marketplace for cross-platform, web-enabled object technology. For more information on Lighthouse Design and its products, call 1-800-366-2279 or 1-415-570-7736, send electronic mail to, or visit Lighthouse Design's World Wide Web page at Lighthouse Design, Ltd., BackPage, WebVision, and the Lighthouse logo are trademarks of Lighthouse Design, Ltd. WebObjects is a trademark of NeXT Software, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.